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In summer 2022, Simon was announced as the new writer-in-residence at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum in Alloway, Ayrshire, for a three-year term.

Highlights from the Residency
Simon writes The First Vision, 25th January 1759, the fifth in his series of sonnets inspired by the six sites of the museum. This poem focuses upon Burns Cottage, taking further inspiration from The Vision by Robert Burns.
Back for its fourth annual outing, The Lamb o' Shanter Experience tours schools across Scotland.
For the third and final time, Simon hosts his Poetry Den in the museum's Temporary Gallery, encouraging visitors to pen their own verse in celebration of National Poetry Day.
Simon writes Love Is, a patchwork poem using the words of visitors to the Poetry Den.
Simon writes The Box of Light, the fourth in his series of sonnets inspired by the six sites of the museum. This poem focuses upon Alloway Auld Kirk.
JUNE 2024
Simon writes To a Volunteer, a poem celebrating the volunteers of the RBBM for Volunteers' Week 2024, available exclusively to the volunteers.
MARCH 2024
Simon contributes to a special online CLPL collaboration session between the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum and Scottish Book Trust, discussing his role as Scriever, sharing resources on Scots and Scotland with attendees.
For the third Burns season in a row, Simon tours schools across Scotland with his one-man show, The Lamb o' Shanter Experience, bringing Burns (and so much more) to life in classrooms the country over.
Simon films an episode of Braw Tales for Burns for KidLit Scotland, using Alloway Auld Kirk bathed in winter sun as a stunning backdrop.
In celebration of National Poetry Day 2023 and its theme of "refuge", Simon hosts his second annual Poetry Den, purpose-built on-site for the weekend.
JULY 2023
To celebrate the 200th anniversary of The Burns Monument, Simon writes The Love of Words, the third in a series of six sonnets celebrating the six locations that form the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum.
A week-long celebration of current Scottish children's writers premieres: this is The Scriever Introduces, an initiative created by Simon to ensure his residency is not just about the writing of Burns and Lamb.
Simon is commissioned to write a new poem for the University of St Andrews' virtual Global Burns Night event: To the Pier, St Andrews.
Simon translates – or, rather, versions – a song lyric by William Shakespeare from Love's Labours Lost, adding a new verse of his own design: Wintersang.
Simon celebrates National Poetry Day in a purpose-built on-site Poetry Den, welcoming guests from near and far to chat, to celebrate and to pen poems.
Simon writes Sonnet: Brig o' Doon as his first poem as Scriever. It's the second in a series of sonnets; the first – On Poet's Path – having been written at the invitation of the previous Scriever in 2020.
Meet the Scriever, a short film introducing Simon Lamb as the museum's new writer-in-residence premieres.
At a handover event held at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, Simon takes the role from fellow poet, Tracy Harvey. Simon is the third person to hold the position of Scriever after poets Tracy Harvey and Rab Wilson.
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