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With a background in teaching, Simon loves working with schools to ignite and inspire both students and staff in his signature effervescent way. Read testimonials below!
"Simon has changed the face of how we teach poetry in our schools."
Angela Noble, former Literacy and English Coordinator for North Ayrshire

"As soon as Simon opened his mouth, I knew he was going to be amazing. I was right. Get this poet in your school."
Dalmilling Primary School, South Ayrshire
"Spectacular. Simon was so energetic, we were pretty sure his energy was keeping the lights on."
Gateside Primary School, North Ayrshire

"Absolutely luminous. The children hung on to Simon's every. last. word."
St Monica's Primary School, North Lanarkshire
"Exciting! Explosive! Astonishing!"
Irvine Royal Academy, North Ayrshire
"Absolutely outstanding. The way he got our children to write was utterly engaging."
Ellen Wilkinson Primary School, London
"Our students were hooked, engaged and enthusiastic from the minute Simon appeared in our class."
Monkton Primary School, South Ayrshire

"Our children were captivated. All we can say is wow."
St Leonards Junior School, Fife
"Simply stunning! And hilarious! The inimitable Simon Lamb."
Beeston Hall School, Norfolk

"Our children were absolutely mesmerised. Simon added a bit of magic to poetry in our school."
St Bridget's Primary School, North Ayrshire
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